Adipose Tissue-for regenerative cell therapy
Adipose Stem Cell Treatment Vs Stem Cell Derivative Treatment Be aware that literature available today both scientific as well as “clinical” driven results concerning “Adult”
Is Long term medication the answer for your headaches?
Headaches are the scourge of modern day man and woman. The concept of an everyday headache is really a misnomer and the interventional pain doctors
What is a herniated disc and what are your treatment options in Phoenix Arizona
Phoenix Pain Treatment provides phoenix pain treatment that combines international pain management, phoenix chiropractic treatment and alternative non-pharmacological alternatives to long term oral medication. Premier
Who Else Wants to Know About Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
What is Manipulation under anesthesia? Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is by far one of the most exciting and effective osteopathic, chronic pain and physical medicine